The revenue authority plans to prepare a list of service tax defaulters and publish it. This is part of the arrear recovery plan for all indirect taxes, such as customs duty, excise duty and service tax.“In service tax law, provision is available for publication of the names of defaulters, list should be prepared,” minutes of the conference of the Chief Commissioners and Director General, Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) said. Zone-wise lists of defaulters of custom and excise duty are already in the public domain with an advice to pay dues immediately.
No customer would want to be part of this defaulters list. So customers need to have their financial information in order. With government focus on tax collection and focus on tax defaulters, it is very important that Chartered Accountants need to educate their clients about such government initiatives and set expectations to clients to have have their financials in order.
Chartered Accountants can start using Software to have all the information at one place. CADashboard will help Chartered Accountants to effectively collaborate with their clients and install financial discipline with clients.
Read More at: Tax Department to publish list of service tax defaulters
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